
Virtual House Concert on YouTube Live


Saturday, October 3 at 4pm EDT will be my first performance in over seven months, and I won’t be leaving the house to do it.

Please join me in my living room through the wonder of live-streaming. The concert will be informal and intimate, and will launch some new ways for me to bring you meaningful musical experiences, now that ‘real life’ performances are for the most part, off the table. Get cozy on the couch with a cup of tea, cocktail, or glass of wine, while I show you some of my current favourite composers.

The concert program will showcase music composed by women of the 19th and 20th centuries, and will give you a taste of most of the projects I am currently working on. About 45 minutes of music, followed by a Q & A, for those interested in catching up on where I’ve been, what I’ve been up to, and what I am envisioning and planning.

Your contribution of $22 CAD will be directly applied to upgrading to a better piano, which is a necessary piece of equipment for all the ‘at-home’ performing. You can book your virtual admission through various platforms (see image above), or simply by clicking the button below. You will receive the livestream link by email on the day of the concert, shortly before it begins. I can’t begin to express how excited I am to share this music with you on October 3!

Virtual House Concert Tickets